Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oh, Rexburg

You're a real gem when it comes to the weather, ya really are. So, fun facts: on the first day of school (September 16th) the high of the day was 80 degrees (yes, I do remember these things). It is now the end of the third week of school and the high for today was 40 degrees. Oh, and did I mention that it snowed? SNOW, PEOPLE. HALLOWEEN ISN'T EVEN HERE YET. I told everyone back home and apparently Florida is doing its Sunshine State duties and keeping it a blistering 90 degrees over there. Fine. Go to the beach. See if I care (I care a lot, I'm actually dying right now. I miss you, sweet sunshine).


I don't understand. I'm not ready, you guys. I'm really not. This Florida girl has two more Idaho winters and it just makes me sad...and scared.Why can't we have a nice little 60-degree sweater-weather transition into fall for a few weeks like the normal states back east? 

Not that I'm not excited about fall festivities!! I'm optimistic, I promise. kind of. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and colorful leaves and pumpkins and pumpkin flavored everything and pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating and turkey and homemade rolls and pie and football and bonfires and dancing and general conference and sparkling apple cider and just all things fall.

Also, I get to wear cute, warm fallish things. Take that, Florida.

Thanks for stopping by muchachos!

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