Monday, November 4, 2013

Bienvenido, Noviembre

October, you were so kind to me. I greatly appreciate it. I loved your fall colors and your pumpkins and your Halloween adventures and General Conference and scary movies and bipolar weather and the candy that I didn't eat because I'm trying to be a healthier person. Twas a blast! Till next time.

I'm so excited for November, for real!
---Only a few more weeks until I'm on the BEACH.
---Midterms are over, holla.
---Snow (I'm officially excited for the first REAL snowfall)
---oh and uh...Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday next to Valentine's Day. Why Valentine's Day? You'll just have to read up in February....Anyway, I love Thanksgiving super much. I love America. And in its honor, I am going to list one thing I am grateful every day for the month of November...original, I know. 

UNO: Family (We're missing an 18-year-old boy, I know)

DOS: The Gospel

TRES: Education


Don't forget to count your blessings, amigos.

Also, here are some pictures of my Halloween adventures with my best friend Em! (Definitely NOT taking any of the photo credit, bee.tee.dubs)

Hope October was nice to you too!
 photo KimSignature.png


  1. I love THANKSGIVING too...duh, it's fabulous. I'm envious of your snowy adventures. :) Love you Kim.

  2. Thank you SO much for reading, guys!! It means a lot!! (:
