Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Night in Rexburg

I've been attending BYUI for five semesters now and I still get asked what I like to do for fun here in the fabulous Rexburg, Idaho. There's LOADS to do!

[okay. maybe not loads]

When not-so-wealthy college kids like myself have a little extra spending cash, we go to the movies and play golf and eat ice cream and laugh and make jokes and talk about how much we hate the cold weather and such.

And so, on November 16 2013, that's what we did.

**sorry I took these with my iphone sooooooo YEAH.

[glow in the dark mini golf!]

[ice cream and pool at Scoops]

 photo KimSignature.png


  1. You are super adorable! Glad you're finding fun in the cold ;)

  2. Looks like this was a fun night! Way to stay out of the cold ;)
