Monday, February 24, 2014


Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 7:15pm

"You are assigned to labor in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo East Mission."

I went insane, to say the least. I honestly and truly did not expect to react the way I did! But I did. Because I'm a nuts-o. 


I cannot even begin to describe to you the incredible feeling I got as I was opening and reading that beautiful, beautiful letter. I was anxious.
all of it.

I started choking up when I read the first dang sentence! I'm such a woman. But whatevs I knew it was going to happen. I mean. let's be honest. I'm me. And that's okay!

I have been called as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I could not be more grateful for this opportunity. I leave July 30th to the Dominican Republic Missionary Training Center. I'm not only going to labor in an amazing country filled with amazing people, but this country is where my parents were born and raised. And my grandparents. And my great grandparents. And my aunts, uncles, and cousins. And I have been blessed to have gone and visited there a few times in my life, and to have been raised in a culture-filled household so I've gotten a tiny taste of what to expect, and that makes me OH-so-happy!

The Lord knows you and He knows me and He knows the desires of our hearts and he knows what's best for us better than anyone (woah, run-on sentence). There is a reason why missionaries are called to the specific places they're called to. I know I'm supposed to be an instrument in the Lord's hands in The Dominican Republic for a reason. Whether I end up preaching the gospel to a distant third-cousin or not, I cannot wait to be serving these people. I love them so much already and I haven't even met them yet. I can't wait to be with them. To serve them and love them and bring them to Christ, our Savior.

Oh, and maybe learn a thing or two about my family's culture. Thaaaat would be sweet. (;

thank you all SO very much for all of your love and support! Have a wonderful day!

PS. There's a video of it, but I couldn't get it on here!! If you'd like to see it, go stalk away on facebook. 
 photo KimSignature.png


  1. AHH! Congratulations! That is so exciting. And the fact that that's where your family is from? So cool!!

  2. This is sooo awesome! Congratulations!
